Maybe this is a reach...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
But is there any long-term evidence that suggest betting on the overs on Canadian teams on Saturday night games? I know Hockey Night in Canada covers some, but not all of the games, but look at these results so far for the Canadian teams that played on Saturday night. Its something I think could be due to the HNIC coverage and the tradition that all of the country is watching your Saturday games so you play an offensive game, much like all of the US is watching MNF and there often are high scoring games in that.

Oct 12
Mon/Buf 1-6 Over
Ott/Tor 2-1 Under
Edm/Nsh 3-2 Tie
Cal/Phi 4-5 Over
Van/SJ 5-3 Over
3-1-1 32 goals/6.4 game

Oct 19
Tor/Mon 2-2 Under
Cal/Chi 5-2 Over
Edm/Bos 3-4 Over
Van/LA 2-2 Under
2-2-0 22 goals/5.5 game

Oct 26
Tor/NYR 3-4 Over
Mon/Ott 5-3 Over
Edm/Ana 4-3 Over
Cal/Stl 3-4 Over
Van/Dal 1-4 Under
4-1-0 34 goals/6.8 game

Nov 2
Mon/Tor 5-2 Over
Ott/Det 5-2 Over
Van/Min 4-2 Over
Cal/Col 4-4 Over
4-0-0 28 goals/7.0 game

Total so far
13-4-1 116 goals/6.4 game

Granted its a small sample size, but maybe someone else has insight as to if I am onto something here.
Very interesting Wildbill, but like you said, it's such a small sample size. Had it been 89-34-12, well you would be a rx legend, and you'd make us all a ton, as this would have been great. But you never know. I will now go check the last 12 weeks of HNIC from last year, and I will be back to tell you if it was good back then too.
wild, I just did last year up till Feb 9th, and it wasn't looking good at all. Overs were 26-41 and a bunch of pushes. There were tons of 1-0 and 2-1 games. I thought you had somehthing there, and your logic really sounded good, but I guess it's just coincidence.

Good job

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I just did a quick check on my data base.
For all Canadian teams playing at home over the last 3 years, on a Saturday.
100 overs
116 unders

New member
Sep 21, 2004
For what its worth.
Ottawa on Sat night, last three years.
16 overs
25 unders

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Glad I asked here and didn't get too excited about it. With such a negative record maybe its jus the normal regression to the mean so far. Then again there have been a lot of rather high scoring games this year compared to the last few seasons. Used to be that 6 totals were up once or twice a month, now its almost everyday you see one. Not to mention a 5-3 game used to be pretty rare and now you see them coming quite often. Good development for the NHL and hockey fans.

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